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Prioritising children wellbeing at school – Our report

There is clear evidence that emotional wellbeing is a key indicator of academic achievement and subsequently improved outcomes in later life. The Department for Education has found that, on average, children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school wellbeing, had higher levels of academic achievement and were more engaged in school.

Here are the results from research conducted at one of the schools we have worked in partnership with:

Impact of intervention on behaviour

  • There has been a significant reduction in the number of behavioural incidents for three pupils
  • Incidents from the term of the intervention have been compared to the same term from the year before
  • Pupil 1: 75% reduction
  • Pupil 4: 74% reduction
  • Pupil 6: 40% reduction

Impact of intervention on emotional well being

  • Pupils have been able to talk about issues that they have been finding difficult to cope with
  • Pupils have been able to choose a variety of activities in a calm and safe environment
  • Pupils have benefitted from having dedicated 1:1 therapy time
  • Pupils self-esteem has improved
  • Pupils confidence has improved

Impact of intervention on social skills

  • Pupils are able to communicate with others in a calmer way
  • Pupils have been able to function better in social situations that they may previously have found pressurised

Impact of intervention on learning skills

  • Pupils have been reported to return to their class calmer and more ready to learn
  • They are able to focus quickly on their work
  • Pupils self-esteem has allowed them to improve their work skills by having improved confidence in themselves

How did the interventions enable pupils to improve attitudes to learning, including self-esteem?

  • Pupils attitudes to learning have been reported to have improved as a direct result of the intervention
  • Pupils who have been struggling with their behaviour or emotional issues have returned from the sessions more focussed and ready to begin their learning
  • Self-esteem has improved for all pupils
  • The drama therapist reports that as the sessions have progressed, pupils’ attitudes have improved and they have settled well
  • There is less anxious behaviour at the beginning of the sessions
  • Pupils have developed excellent relationships with the drama therapist and have been comfortable talking to her
  • This has allowed self-esteem to improve as the sessions have progressed

Wise-Up Prioritising Children Wellbeing at School – additional knowledge about children wellbeing at school – free pdf.