In this difficult economic climate you may want to secure a job when you leave university. There are several ways you can achieve this, and one is taking up an opportunity for work-based training that includes a placement over the summer months.
Inspirative Development has one place remaining on our forthcoming BTEC Level 2 in Supporting Activity Provision for Health and Social care (start date 24th May).
This course would be particularly helpful for anyone wanting to focus their summer on developing their skills, applying their CET knowledge and gaining experience relevant to finding a job after university.
Participating in this course would give you a better understanding of how the sector works and what your role could look like when it comes to applying CET into real work based organisations.
Inspirative Development is passionate about improving the quality of care through meaningful and person centred activity provision, and we are constantly developing our training work. Due to our collaborations with other organisations this is possibly the last time we will be running the BTEC2 course in this ‘bite-sized’ format (entailing a time commitment for taught sessions of just three hours per week).
This is a great opportunity for professional development. The course currently costs £350 per person, but as part of our commitment to supporting the professional development of fellow CET practitioners we are offering a one off student price of £300 for current CET students (including people finishing their final year this year).
Due to forthcoming changes the cost of the course is increasing up to £900 from September 2017. Thus if you feel you would like to do this qualification, and would like to benefit from the reduced price and short format before the changes occur, now is the time to get in touch!
If you would like to explore if this is right for you, Inspriative Development is offering a complimentary hour long session to find out more and speak to Sarah Paine one of our leading facilitators (with over 7 years experience in the field) from 4-5pm on Wednesday 3rd of May at InspirativeHouse, 50 Canal Street, Derby, DE1 2RJ
If you would like to come along to the information session, just want to chat on the phone, or feel certain enough to simply book the place on the course please do get in touch with me (on my contact details below) as soon as possible.
Sarah Paine:
T: 01332 208 706